Approaching the Reader-response Criticism through the Teaching of Fictional Prose
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Literature plays a great role in the EFL curriculum, for it is a proper material subject for language learning process. The teaching of literature demands the proficiency and control of language skills in addition to the reading of literary texts that is a fundamental in its process. Nonetheless, students may encounter difficulties in this process, mostly due to lack of using methods and strategies in teaching literature in order to develop students’ thinking capacities, as to selecting inadequate literary materials. Therefore, they accomplish negative outcomes in their learning. On account of, this research aims to introduce the reader-response theory as an effective critical method in teaching literature for Algerian EFL context and to show how this theory influence students’ ability to experience relevance in their learning process, and to acknowledge them as critical readers. The current research employed a questionnaire addressed to both master one and two literature and civilisation students at the English department at Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes, a classroom observation and an interview for teachers from the same department, for gathering both quantitative and qualitative data. The results obtained from all the data methods analysis accorded on the basis that using the target theory in teaching literature, more particularly fictional prose is essential and valuable for the future of the Algerian EFL literature classroom, as it serves positively both the teaching and learning process. Adopting the reader-reaction activates EFL students to be conscious in their communication as readers with texts; they would be utterly culturally competent. for this reason, it is suggested to proceed the target theory with other different literary genres or EFL Algerian pedagogical settings in order to create positive outcomes of literary awareness.